My first weekends with Rananda, they have been engraved in my heart. Talking easily and lightheartedly, he touched deep questions in me. Questions that I had actually forgotten about.

He shed his Light on how the mind works. Or, maybe, I’d better say he enlightened my mind.

He let me experience how much Love I have in me, just like him and you and anybody else. And I could choose for Love, on my way and at my pace.

With everything that came up in me, all the memories, all the thoughts, tension or fear, every time there was also the help that made these thresholds disappear like snow in the sun. For, if you say ‘yes’, they will be solved for you. ‘Yes’ to the Love That You are. Yes, to a different way of looking at the world. Yes to the Source you’re coming from.

An event with Rananda doesn’t leave you untouched. It can even change your life, if you let it. You decide. You receive what you are open for to receive. And, who knows, maybe that’s more than you expect to.
