Here, you can listen to recordings from Rananda’s teachings. There are individual short clips, or you can listen to a playlist full of inspiring tracks. At the bottom of the page you find download buttons for individual tracks.

How to Best Serve Your Creator - Rananda With a Message for A Course in Miracles Students

In this audio recording Rananda tries to express the complete teachings of A Course in Miracles in a short but complete package. His specific intent is to give clarity around the confusion that ACIM students generally have with: ‘How to deal with a world that does not exist?’

Let The Light Do All The Work

The Light shines away the darkness, always, regardless of what we think about our “problems” and how serious they are. Enjoy this light-hearted audio in which Rananda encourages us to “let the Light do all the work”.

Release From Fear

Rananda teaches from A Course In Miracles. He explains how fear keeps the world we perceive together, and how we can release the fear in our awareness so it can be replaced by Love.

Truth Is True and Nothing Else Is True

Rananda talks about that we are looking for a moment of transformation from being bound in the world to Our Eternal Self. Our Awareness of our false self has to move to Our True Self, so we can be with God forever. Is our longing for God seriously real? Because without that we have all the suffering of the world.

Are Resurrection and Ascension Possible for You?

An audio recording of about an hour of a teaching by Rananda on March 28, 2011, given in the Bonnefanten Museum in Maastricht. This thought-provoking teaching reminds us all of what is possible for us, when we truly open up for it. 

The Uncompromising Nature of Love

Rananda is looking together with a student at the ideas the student has about God and himself as a self-defined entity separate from God.

The student has to admit that God cannot be the cause of separation. Therefore it is his ‘doing’. This idea of separation needs to be healed in his mind to be able to return to Love.

Rananda’s purpose is to bring, with the greatest clarity possible, the uncompromising nature of Reality.

Rananda About Illness and Death


Rananda answers questions from his students about illness and death.

What Are You Going to Do?


In this teaching, Rananda addresses the urgency of your acceptance of the Truth instead of telling your stories and being too tolerant for the ego who wants you to die.  

God offers Love and Happiness! When do you accept Everything God has already given you? How urgent are you in letting Christ be born in you? 

Are you passionate about this?

The Great Divine Director


In this recording Rananda reads and teaches from the book The  “I AM” Discourses by the Great Divine Director, Discourse XV. 

This discourse is a powerful message to cut ourselves free from our feelings that control us. It is a message spoken in much love and passion. A must if you truly want to stop blaming anyone for anything and long to come into the Glory of Your Presence.  

The Changeless Reality


Rananda teaches from A Course in Miracles, The Changeless Reality. 

 “Are you tempted to believe that this world is what Reality is? Are you tempted in every moment? Well, being tempted in every moment, that is no big deal. It would only be a big deal if you would have bought into the temptation.” 

Short Clips from Rananda's Teachings


Listen to short inspiring clips from Rananda’s teachings. Audio recordings of a few minutes, with a short silent break in between.

Let The Light Do All The Work

The Light shines away the darkness, always, regardless of what we think about our “problems” and how serious they are. Enjoy this light-hearted teaching in which Rananda encourages us to “let the Light do all the work”. 


Listening to the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit will show you the way into the Light. You will be lead to the remembrance of what it is like to be with your Father. You will be the Light. You will remember Home.



According to Jesus that is a role that you must play in order to learn who you are. That is not a concept, you personally have to accept it! God gave you the role of savior of your world. You are the light of the world. Not someone else!


The Only Answer

Do you want to know what is faster than the speed of light? You will never find out by studying what is at the speed of light. You do not find heaven by studying hell. You do not find what is faster than manifestation by studying manifestation. You have got to go there, that is how you find it.
