What stands out the most for me in these Remembering Events is that Rananda is relentless in speaking the Truth and has no room, not even a tiny, tiny bit, for my false self.

There is no place to wiggle, to hide, to avoid or to present myself as one that “knows” all the spiritual concepts. Everything I do that is not in accord with God’s Will – Rananda will bring it immediately to my attention, so I have the opportunity to look at it and transform it.

He teaches me that it is never about being guilty or doing something right or wrong but about letting go of the past and choose anew. It is about valuing my relationship with God above all else.To rather be with Love than with fear.

Rananda’s questions are so penetrating that it often makes me speechless for a moment. What I thought was “normal” (e.g. keeping my attention on the world) looks suddenly absurd because: Why holding off Everything that is Beautiful and Loving and gives only Peace!

When I join with his words of Truth it feels like if I step through a “window” and I come into a greater awareness.

And then the Joy wells up. Gone is any problem! My heart bursts open and I am so grateful for the Truth, the insights and the Aha’s.

Thank you Rananda from the depth of my heart!
