A Remembering Event with Rananda is a true treat for the Soul. 

Being there with approximately 20 other students it starts already in a very positive atmosphere. Starting daily early with morning routines as meditation, A Course in Miracles (ACIM) lesson and yoga/exercise is wonderful to create the right mindset for the day. After the morning routines we enjoy a “In love prepared” meal.

The teaching is always with interesting topics and often readings from ACIM, to which Rananda comments from his own personal experience! This gives it a wonderful energy and bring new insights!

The atmosphere in the ‘Healing room’, in which the teaching takes place, makes it also an beautiful experience and resonates long after the teaching is finished.

In my opinion, a 9-days or weekend Remembering Event are both a must do if you seriously want to live according to ACIM principles. It is a way to prepare yourself for a more peaceful and harmonious life in close relationships with God, Jeshua, your surroundings but, most importantly, “yourself”. As you learn that you are the key player in the way you live and experience your day. 

This is something you will learn attending the programs Magnum Opus Ministries Nederland organizes, not only by Rananda but also by the way the participants are living their life, an example on how you also can interact with each other.

In short, try it yourself and be amazed!
