It is such a privilege to have a Master. It is very precious.

When I met Him I felt an attraction on a very deep level. It touched something real in me, something that I always longed for. It touched my longing for God.

That attraction keeps me going. I want to know it. It is not something rational. It comes from the heart.

I am always encouraged to go on, not to stop and to join with His Mind. He encourages me to let go of the small self and to look at who I really am.

His teachings are always only for me. They are very personal. When I dare to look at my thoughts and confront myself with the help of my Master, I am always guided out of them. It feels like I am lifted up. I get a brighter perspective and the problem disappears.

I feel Him working from within and without.

Something is changing in me. I discover by following His teachings and instructions that it is the Light that binds us. This is very tangible. That makes that the distance between me and Him is disappearing.

This makes me even more excited, because it starts to be real. Often I sense an inner smile. The heart is opening. The longing becomes bigger.

My Master points me always to God, to Jesus, to the Holy Spirit and all the Help that is there from out of time and space. He always helps me to let go of the world of limitation and to find the freedom that is behind it. What a gift!

Thank you Rananda for your deep devotion to God and to me.

Daya Mata