What I experience when I participate in a Remembering Event, like the last one called Ascension, is that I usually go through a process of letting go. I experience that I leave the world behind.

Often, coming home from my work, I experience a heavy energetic blanket around me (I work as a civil servant/ecologist at the province of Limburg). In other words, I bring the frequency of the world with me to the Remembering Event.

At the beginning I often experience the teaching more mentally.

What Rananda brings and invites me into is a more intense flame of Light and a solid foundation of Truth in which I can then connect or join. Often I make the conscious choice to stay with my breathing, to let go of the analytical thinking as much as possible. Then I regularly experience that I become lighter energetically!

Occasionally it happens, that my perception changes, my surroundings take on a yellowish or golden overlay and then, when I look at Rananda, He becomes more of a transparent instead of a “solid” image. Once when I said to Rananda, that he almost disappeared in my perception, he said to me, “No, you almost disappear then.”

What I experience is not just fantastic. There are definitely times when I feel challenged and experience resistance and am aware of patterns that I have not yet let go of.

That happens especially when I first experience a lot of Light. For example after an intense teaching. After the teaching we usually stay together in the Light. We also might start dancing, with the intent to let go and allow more Light to enter, which usually makes it even more intense.

Sometimes I start paying attention to what others are doing during the dancing. If I’m not aware and vigilant I can feel jealousy coming up. When that happens I often find myself experience a barrier that I can’t get through, experiencing even more frustration!

However, moments like these are also a blessing, because it then becomes very clear that I am still holding a belief that I need to let go of.
However, my mind “behaves” during or after a program, if I stay aware and keep my focus on my heart and my Creator, I usually experience a form of purification!
